I couldn't get you a gift yet. ;p So anyway bestfriend, here are some quotes.. some. :p I like em.. you don't like it you punya pasal. haha. :p nada deh. =) hope you like it! <3
A friend is who knows us, but loves us anyway
- Fr.Jerome Cummings
A faithful friend is the medicine of Life
- Apocrypha
(you are! :D )
Friends are needed both joy & for sorrow
- Samuel Paterson
(like I need you all the time)
In good times, In bad times I'll be on your side forever more, That's what friends are for.
- that's what friends are for.
(I will always be there for you)
Best Friend just won't leave your side
-Blink 182
(See! ;p)
If I had only one friend left, I'd want to be with you
- Paul Overstreet
(I know you'd say this one day. :p)
Every now and then we find a special friend, who never let us down, who understands it all, reaches out each time you fall, you're the Best friend I've found.
- jordan hill 'remember me this way'
Happy Friendvasary Dear Bestfriend.
Nur Nadiah Syaza Binti Haji Morni.
I love you long time! :D
wrong spelling marah kan didit. =p (didit di persalahkan) hehe.
Monday, 26 October 2009
7th Months Friendvasary! <3
Posted by eeds and deeds at 15:50 0 comments
Sunday, 9 August 2009

so anywayyy!! it's edah here. hahhaa. err'' it's been awhile i haven't update ini blog.. ;) hehe.
so anyway.. emm.. nuthin much i can say here.. just missing si M.. buhu. i watched football lastnight sama ayah and them siblings & si chey. haha. AND i saw muiiz! sigh.. i didnt get to meet him. jubur :( but it's okay.. see him dari jauh jaditah. :) it was fun tho. hehe edah bawa didit liat pun cause i know she's depressed! pffth. edah pun. haha. mau mau tah jua but banar. hahaha.
emm.. what else. hehe. oh oh.. hari tu edah sama jub jub webcam sama jaja. HEHE. it was .. funny. a lil awkward .. to syaza. :p haha. jub jub kept askin edah if jaja's smiling kah inda. haha. jubur itu budak. like ia peratikan jaja. hahhaa. (Y) good girl jub jub. :p hehe. nati lagi. yes syaza? haha. love you.
oh i miss this guy!
nejaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam! i need to see you! haha. i miss you bah ehh!! :'P
and them.. :')
hehe, i got it from yean. wish to see kamu-kamu SOON! hopefully! ;)
and the girl who made this.. ;D
alright. hehe. I'm off. ;p i'll update soon.. or if inda edah, didit yang update. mau tengok bola dulu. ;pp
loves, ed.
*any spelling mistakes. BROKEN ENGLISH. or what so ever SORRY ah. hahaha. :p
Posted by eeds and deeds at 06:31 0 comments
Wednesday, 22 July 2009
Didit here.. At school right nw.. Bored like ermm.. Umm..i dnt knw.i wna go out :( so broke at the mo,so.. Jst gona stay for lunch.babyboy's at work:s imma hv to deal with it. Buhuu.. Hopefully its gona be a good day.. Til then..
Posted by eeds and deeds at 20:59 0 comments
Sunday, 5 July 2009
heyy. edah here. (; hehe. i got bored. juba's playin' pet society. huhu. belabih that kid. i messaged muiz just now. rinduuuuu berabis sama that guy. hummm.
anyhooo. tomorrow school! and i'm not readyy, c-c-c-c-ccrrrayzeyy. hopefully okay saja esuk. hehe. jadi ninja ni semua di school. tomorrow stay BACK.. wuhh. what time balik ah? haha. karang tha liat time-table. :p :p
edah off dulu. mau liat narnia. haha.
loves people! <3
will update SOON! (:
Posted by eeds and deeds at 08:54 0 comments
Sunday, 28 June 2009
why.. ?
hello again readers. Hehe. And again i'm using d8's phone. :D haha. So yeah.. First of all..
so yeah, i woke up around 12plus.. Hee. My bad bgun aher. Haha. :p sekalikaaaaan.. edah took shower and everything terus turun. ate momy's spaghetti tadi for lunch. Best! Ehe. After lunch .. Watched tv with d8.. Nada kan di liat di tv! So kami cari lagu MJ <3! Hee.
Sekalikaaaan. Haha. Majal sekalinya ani! ;p haha. edah creta masa evening saja trus. Haha. Ah iatag kan masa evening around 5plus , momy ckp ia bwa yusri n juba round round. Kami tinggal saja di rumah. Hahaha. Betudung ia sudah ni momy aa. Edah pun santai sudah meliat malaysia's open..final. Haha. udah nya msuk kreta tu apa. Haha. Di offernya tia kami.. Momy ckp "dady mu mmbwa round arah sekulah. Siapa mau ikut 5 seconds" haha. Edah sama didit apa lagi. 5 seconds. Hahaha! Edah ngam pakai baju nusa laila, didit was like.. " aii dah, baju mu.. Awwh.." haha!
edah - pakai plg bju mu!
didit - "ihh. inda ku tau dimana, mlsku cari" haha!
then edah bgi ia kan bju nusa lailanya. Haha. Iski ani wah. Hahaha. Too bad the school kana rubuh sudah .. :') hehe.
Yusri lagi tia capi. Di liatnya kami pakai bju p.e nusa laila, di ambilnya tarus baju p.e nya ! Hahaha. Sick. (Y)
we took some pictures oh. nanti edah upload arah facebook. (: hee. Sayang my school kana rubuh. Huhu.
OH! And tadiii temparik nya berijap! i think it was around 9plus, it was like something explode apa. Sigh. Berijap! Haha. Didit capi ia fikir van yang explode or something -_-' haha.
i think atu saja edah kan creta. im tired. :/ night people. Hee.
ANY ENGLISH OR SPELLING or whatever MISTAKES. Sorry ah. Hahah. :p
Posted by eeds and deeds at 11:35 0 comments
Saturday, 27 June 2009
i had a 'fun' day? (:
hello readers, edah's posting this time. Hehe. i'm using d8's phone.. So any spelling mistakes jgn tegur. Haha.
So yeah.. Like the headline ws saying.. I had a fun day.. Hee. I went to gadong, met some new friends. (; hee. mun kan bcreta bnyk ni kan di cretakan bt ani edah pakai phone. So yeahh detail sikit jaditah. :p
First i got there i met muiz, <3 ! atupun sekejap saja, hee. Missed him o.. :) while waiting for jaja to dtg, edah round round dulu.. Mcm apa gnya gdg ah. Menakutkan.. Itwas like. Poklen! Haha. Apaan. ;p haha. Bnr! Membari ingau atii. Hahaha.
So anyhoo.. round round atu i saw si gee but edah na tau ia kemana ,ngam i saw apep,roy and yeah. Edah msgd apep told em i saw them.. Sekalinya edah naik kan aga dorang, yean msg yg dorg tnggu di entrance.haha! Kampis parut edah oleh dorg. ;p haha. Chill sekejap sama dorang di entrance.. Then dorang balik..
Then ada my cousin. Hee. While waiting for jaja! Again, edah jalan jalan.. Scary oh jalan jalan sendiri di gdg, especially tadi! Bnyk poklen -_-' takut edah. Hahaha. ;p
Oh this part cali. Haha. Ada this girl, hehe. Ia salah orang wahh. Mcm. Ia aga edahh as if edah ani kwnnya. Hahaha! Surprised lagi tu usulnya confident i was her friend. Haha. :p rupanya kwn si sarahh(Linah's cousin) Haha.
Sekalikaaaan. Ada this freaky looking guy menantang edah mcm..wohh. Mata wh di liatnya ah. Membari ingau ati. Haha! Edah apa lagi. Temeng lah. Tntang sikit. Haha! ! :p sikit. Then he walked away. Haha. Takut ia kaliah. Haha! Joke.
Menunggu nunggu atu ada tiaaa si gee and this girl. Haha. Edah na tau siapa .. So edah calld out gee's name saja. Haha. Tapi yg next to her ani yg sbut my name dulu. Haha. Si gee was like "em, siapa ah?" i was like.. Whaaaaa? Haha. Nada deh. Edah beritau lh yg atu edah, inda jua sure siapa. Sudah si Linah beritau my fullname bru th si gee kan kenal. Haha. Pity me. :p so yeah, kami berkenalan apa. Eseh. Hahah. =p sambil sambil atu meliat org poklen. Haha. Ada yg perasan bh binibini ah seluar tingkai nya gee. Haha! :p
We're from different schools bytheway ;D
edah - smpaphm
syaza - smb
Linah - stpri
gee - smsb
Hee. Siuk. Apaan. Haha. :p oh oh and there's shema and sheila too! Tapi dorang sama the boyfriends. :p haha. Shema asked me if i have a bf. Then i said no, and ia terkajut! Haha! Linah pun kajut. Why kan? Edah inda sais single kah? ;p haha.
uwww. I even saw afiq, alim, farel, rusdey, Najib! ;p , zeem, fariz, and lots of teman baik edah lagi. Heheh. Oh edah mention the guys ja. :p haha. Ada deh girls. Ada amal. Ehe. Bella, rabii, nisyah and her sister, jalilah :D hee.
Apaan edah ah iski. ;p there's bnyk lagi edah kn creta tpi edah ngaleh. pakai phone th lgi.haha. :p mkay, im off.
and oh! We took some pictures too! Hee. Tapi arh linah's phone and some arah sarah's camera. Hee. They were great. I mean, they-them-the girls. ;p haha. Girls day out kaliah. Haha. Mkay edahh. Tidur tah aher sudah. ;p
and jaja, im sorry. promise edah inda ckp pasal iaaa. ): ah jajaa. Sorry.. :s
Posted by eeds and deeds at 12:48 0 comments
Wednesday, 27 May 2009
okayy.. im posting again.. d8 here btw. happy birthday to babu love:D hehe.. im hungry right now.. jusst got back from werk.. with babyboy:p im so missing him right now:s obsessed and addicted!! wht else..? ermm..well, went to werk frm 8 till 5pm.. tired.. but it was ok.. a fine day somehow:D it was raining tdi and i went for a nap at lunchtime..nymn tdur..haha..sunyiii..and cold!! laparrr..buhuuu.. jst ate rice at 10am break td with cheese tarts.thts it..and keropok.. so,yea,laparrr.. till then..
Posted by eeds and deeds at 03:10 0 comments
Monday, 27 April 2009
here are some poems. edah google.. lol!! orang jobless. HEE! Can't sleep. -_-' sigh..
by Sweetheart
One day you'll stop loving me
you will have enough
and i'll be forced to start over
life will be so tough
one day you'll forget me
you'll forget what we went through
the memories that you and i once shared
will mean nothing to you...
one day you'll move on with your life
and when you're finally free
i'll be left with nothing but
memories of you and me...
by Love drought melody
Every time I think of you
I miss the things we had
I can't fall asleep in his arms
When you're the one that's on my mind
Goodbye was just your favourite word
I should've seen it coming by now
Cloudy skies have become my life now
Seems it's my life that's at an end
But when I said I wouldn't miss you
That was the biggest lie
It's killing me so slowly
Watching you live without me there
I can't fall asleep with him anymore
When you're the one that's on my mind
When I told you I wouldn't miss you
that's the most painful lie I've told...
by HeavenOnEarth
Walking past your old house,
Brought so much back to me.
A distant memory came back,
And set so many emotions free.
It tore me to pieces once more,
All I want to do is cry.
I can't bare to think of your touch,
It kills to remember the lie.
I can feel you here beside me,
Feel your once warm embrace.
I can feel your fingers on my lips,
The lines you used to trace.
It hurts so unbelievably bad,
It's killing me inside.
I'm falling into myself,
Feel as if I should hide.
I've been dreaming about you,
All the time we spent together.
I know in my heart,
That we were meant to be forever.
It must have been easy to walk out,
To decide to let me go.
Was I not enough?
Won't you let me know?
I've had my share of loneliness,
I love you so much it hurt.
How did it feel to be the one?
With your face left in the dirt.
Because baby you lost us,
And all we were to be.
Or did you not care?
Because it was only me.
Posted by eeds and deeds at 11:27 0 comments
Sunday, 19 April 2009
so anyway, saja update before sleep ani jua. d8 alum jua ter update. haha. emm.. pasal the hundred percent malas edah creta. what done is done a apep aa. :p haha. you owe me a kebab. hahaha. ada lagi tu. :P nada lah. hundred percent is always a hundred percent. :D
err... edah now blogging saja.. woke up late tadi.. around 4plus. haha. really really aher pasal malas. haha. sunday tah lagii. *winkwink! haha! d8 awal bangun tadi i think. pasal ia cakap ia arah bilik momy pagi .. plus ia menyasah tadi. hehe. :D emm.. kami main badminton tadi sekejap but really sekejap well not that sekejap but sekejap lah pasaaaaal.. pasal kaaaan ada orang menunu lah, macam.. i can breathe yoo. haha! ampus edah ulehnya. hahaa. kalau buleh aa.. jangan tah menunu bah ehhh! HAHA. *sasak*
haha, adangtah cakap pasal menunu ani. ahha. nii dorang momy dibawah masih meliat man.u .. BORINGG. hehehe. edah macam hungry now.. but malas kan turun. ): ngantuk dah. haha. bah eh, im sleepy sudah. i'll try to suruh d8 update soon. kay? *winkwink! :p
Posted by eeds and deeds at 09:59 0 comments
Saturday, 11 April 2009
errr.. hundred percent?
helllooooo.. edah here. emm.. im at ajim's place.. with the Ds.. like.. blurrrrr.. si apep jahaaat. lol.. we're like mebuli si apep.. ! wuuuu. pep.. hundred percent aaaaa.. baik, liat movie ama aiiiiiiiisy. haha! nyhoo.. si buntak gay .. lol... emm.. edah .. shes not feeling well. haha. ani pun bored,, got nothin to do.. watched movie ama d8 and akeem tadi petang.. we watched jangan tegur. it was. okaaaayyyy. haha. ada jua edah triak triak laa. kapit kapit ama d8 tia jua edah a tadi. wuhuuu. sian edah single tadi.. lol.. edah met si big ass tadi jap.. ^_^" imissyou big ass. haha. bah bah anii tah dulu,, akit pala edah. ): na lagi pandai mamam panadol tuu.. haha. alriiiight. :P
nanti edah update lagi creta pasal the real hundred percent. :D ghahah! suuuudah lah kau pep!
-_-' sigh..
Posted by eeds and deeds at 07:12 0 comments
Labels: eeeedah
Monday, 23 March 2009
May Allah Bless You!! and Wish you have a Blast! =D
with LOVE,
edah, family and si poh. =p
Posted by eeds and deeds at 12:04 0 comments
heyy readers. emmm,, its been entah i haven't update. nyeheee. i'm bored.. baru sajja masuk rumah, chill sama amerr andd bojing" tadii sekejap. SEKEJAP daja. and si bojeng jahhat menyayaa. nanti kauu bojengg. =p.. haha.. anyway.. edah borring today.. babysitting saja. them (parents, d8) went to work.. kaka went o school. ali pun, but ali will be away for like 3 days.. i think.. hes staying di rimba.. i dont know apa ada, he said ada lawatan,, (kadet tentera udara) lol,, i dont know apa.. haha. aaaaand i stayed at home aaaaalll day with juba and yusri. borring ! sobber. haha.. nada lagi food, how sad is that? ada pulang chocolate. tapii zip. strawberry lagi tuu. erghh.. me no likeyy. hahha. ermm.. whatelse? (: heee.. i guess atu dulu.. my head hurts .. huhu.. and and, my kaki still sangaaaall. buwhuu.. sian edah. =p
alright, till then.. *winkwink*
Posted by eeds and deeds at 03:45 0 comments
Labels: ed ibrahim. =p
Thursday, 19 March 2009
hy babygurl..
aftrnoon..bangun2 sdh terus msg baby tdi :), doffice ada byk kerjaan tpi bukan hun yg buat,yata hun reply blog baby..
baby dun have to mention bout it, hun will do anything 4 baby, as i said before " selagi hun msh mampu berdiri, selagi atu hunkn buat sendiri " remember???
akukn menghiasimu dngn semampuku.. next week tani jmupa lge no worries ya baby..
love u so much princessputera.
Posted by eeds and deeds at 23:34 0 comments
bored again.. heee
anyhoo.. my back hurts, my head,, my legs, segala-galanya sakit. haha. seeeeriously. macam,, jubur. urgh. sigh.. okay,, tadi.. hmm,, woke up late sedikit.. like around 6:15.. hee,, na jua late banar lah. =p but still late bah tu. hhaha. iatah,, tadi last day of first term,, aand kami cross country tadii!! wehee. kepisan but heyy edah ada trophy kecil liaaah. hahahha. nanti tah edah post apa usulnya,, lol. i got number 28! hee, 28 or 26 LOL i forgot it already,, MY BAD.. pokoknya i got the trophy for category(sp?) group c berlari berkumpulan. =D i didn't expect it bytheway. nyeheh, but wth.. aku dapat trophy wah tu.. haha. barbie & peach pun dapat.. yeyyy for kamii!! haha,, best. =P
before the cross country mulaa.. omg ada yang annoying. malas edah creta. *wink! heee. after pun annoying. apakaaan? =p haha,, bemasaalah kali si edah anii. LOL. hee,, after the acara habis,, cigu zulidi announce siapa kan ikut badminton.. for next month. ada belawan. huhuuu. aku mau ikuuuut. hopefully dapaaaat~ hmm,, lol,, the funny part was when i told cigu ariffin yg edah mau ikut ia ucap edah lagi tu,, you guys wanna know apa ia ucap edah? try imagine ia dance macam pocoyo. hahaha. iatah sudah tu. ia ucap edah main badminton cematu!! HAHHAHAHHA! cappii tu cigu ahh. KAMBAAANG. hahaha. so, yeah.. ramai yang daftar tadi.. (: like about 30 orang.. the pemilihian will be held on the 28th March. Saturday. Nextweek. lol... menentukan pukul berapa pun payah bah tadi ah. haha. but kami mau pukul 8, so.. yeah pukul 8..till 11. ((: hee.. then barutah kami ke class. tot nada orang, ada amal, peach, weeya and safwa.. jubur dorang ahh nada cleankan class. =p! i did everything except the windows. haha. ujung ujungnya bemuscle nii. LOL.. what am i saying here.. haha. ada-ada saja. =D alriiight, atu tah dulu. (L).. sorry if na bertantu. hee .. *winkwink*
Posted by eeds and deeds at 12:32 0 comments
Wednesday, 18 March 2009
looking at that picture of the mini jug..whats your first thought? mine.. 'ermm..okay=) ' hehe.. my babyboy gave it to me on tuesday..he was so excited..and yea,i was quite surprised cos his excitement didnt match the gift.. but then..when i poured out the stars in te mini jug.. =D ada a pair of silver diamond earringsss=') sweet jua tuu..i didnt expect that..i rly thouht t was just the jug cos he only asked whether i hv my own table di ofis or not. he is sooo full of surprises.. but.. i love him..i do..and babyboy,if you're reading this..i appreciate evrything you did and do for me..always.. i love you=)
Posted by eeds and deeds at 20:10 0 comments
it's me and d8.. lol,, masa thursday night. ghee.. see, edah lusuh. =p kes boring sudah tuu. =D haha.
edah here.. (; sorry baru tah kan terupdate. nyehee.. so, anyway.. i viewed some blogs.. sportsbrunei ah edah view, lol.. si bojing tu bekas menyuruh meliatkan blog prof something soccer.. hahaha, lupa tia edah sudah apa blogspotnya. haha. ermm.. hee. iatah waa. i'm bored.. dorang d8 tidur sudahh. it's still 11 plus, and dorang tidur sudah. how jubur is that? edah na sleepy.. edah sudah tidur petang tadi sama juba,, wheee thank god nada extra class. ngantuk bah tadi di skewlah ah. especially masa di reading room. melimpang baca buku.. haha,, baik ju na tertidur.. ;p!
sebenarnya kan,, edah na tau bah apakan di update sini ani.. masa masa kusut ani tah,, eseh. haha. banarrrrr. si barbie tau tu kenapa. haha. ;p now,, i'm chatting with faez.. like,, sorang sorang na tau apakan di cakap usulnya.. huhu. si poh anii entah mana tia.. offline. jubur. bah,, na edah tau lagi apakn di type in.. i'm so f blank. alriiight.. =p *winkwink*
and and to NEJAM ku sayang,, ciian 'sick' ia,, ;p GET WELL SOON. loveyou! heeeee. hugs. ajis pun! (:
Posted by eeds and deeds at 08:15 0 comments
Posted by eeds and deeds at 00:35 0 comments
Tuesday, 17 March 2009
hy baby good afternoon;p hun free nw belum ada kerja mau d buat,btw hun a bit sad today pasal nda jumpa baby cause bby tau y kn?sbr saja ya dulu by..sunyi sepi doffice petang nie,hun pulang yang boring without baby here.Baby hear hun.......days goes by,a day without ur presence makes my day gloomy,the sense of your very presence infront of these eyes brighten up everytink,ur my everytink,i love u with every beat of my heart
Posted by eeds and deeds at 23:14 0 comments
Helew..putera here didit's babyboy,last week kmi honeymoon,this week kmi barbeque dpantai muara ofcourselah with my babygirl siuk nyeerrr..sekali hujan mcm wah..romantic haha,then kmi pindah ke rumah ajiim,dri pagi til kn kemlm kmi sama2,tengok cerita hantu lagi,tapikn....nda concentrate ;p but overall,im happy to the max,yg pntingnya i love u babygirl..nda prnh hun gini.so CRAZY....nw mau jaln ambil babygirl dulu..loving u always -PUTERA1921 I LOVE U SO MUCH MUCH..DAMN MUCH..
Posted by eeds and deeds at 00:20 0 comments
Saturday, 14 March 2009
so bored here..without my babyboy..=( the house is pretty messy..especially our room.i dont get why is it so hard for them to keep the room clean..it stresses me out!! anyhow..i miss you too my babyboy..real baaad.if i could just be beside you all the time.booohooo=( 3 days in a row lunch with babyboy=) sugarbun, jollibee, express.. lots of fun..next week lagi aa..=p tommorow barbeque at pantai muara..again..hope its gona be much fun.. and hopefully ramaiii..and and hopefully theres gona be yummy food..=D cant wait. kemariin..aher masuk kerja=p siapa punya pasal? ermm...everybody!!haha..giler.. masuk office lalu back door!pandai takut!wahaha..giler laa kamuu.. lain kali buat lagi!=p
thers not much i wana say actualy.just so bored here.. til thenn.. berangau dulu..
Posted by eeds and deeds at 02:01 0 comments
Thursday, 12 March 2009
bored bahh..
wah,, iloveyou too babyboy.. haha
salah,, =P .. anyhoo.. edah here .. i dont know what to say,, saja update. hee..
err.. im sleepy.. d8 kerja today.. didn't balik tadi.. edah ate meggi curry with telur for lunch.. lol.. sampai berbuka butang jeans wah yo.. =p haha
erm.. what else.. awu wah,, si ali is next to me now.. macam,, ia balum mandi kan,, bau eh,, hahaha. (jahat).. hmm.. (: edah macam sleepy.. tidur awal jua sudahhh.. yehhh.. gilerr.. i got nothin to do lagi this petang.. macam.. okayy.. poh asked me out nii sebenarnya.. kan bawa liat orang main netball di menglait.. with kajek,, but edah na mau.. plus i have to dangani momy di rumah,, sorry poh. nanti tahh jalan.. (:
alright,, i think atu dulu,, karang lagi edah update. (L)..
Posted by eeds and deeds at 22:54 0 comments
babygirl,sorry.coz diz is da 1stym hun buat tempat blog baby and sorry to edah kcw blog.nutink much 2 say here~sini lagggggggg......ane pun my friend yg tolong..missing u so much baby,buat kerja pun nda tentu,thinking of babygirl24/7.im so CRAZZZYYYY.... ;DeVeRyThInG iS juSt U aNgeL...dont forget to eat your lunch.hun will fetch babygirl later;D
Posted by eeds and deeds at 21:07 0 comments
Wednesday, 11 March 2009
11th March..
er,, ed woke up at.. 5:55 am,, hhee.. erm,, went to the washroom .. mandi segala.. =p.. sebenarnyakaaan,, edah malas skewlah ba tadi. haha. and and awal tidur lastnight bytheway.. =p. heheh.. tapi bangun still jua sleepy.. ): errmm,, awu wa ia tah wa. haha apakann,, i dont know wha to say.. tadi di skewl.. nothin much,, ada assembly.. "menengah 5's" assembly.. hee,, so yeah, kami duduk dapann,, i don't know was it the dewan or me yang hot tadi.. lol.. =p !!
haha.. yeah,, malay tadi buat commerce corretion.. haha,, edah lupa buat correction.. my baad, heee tapi siap jua.. nyeheh.. then.. commerce di cal room, then break time.. then,, maths. haha.. tinggal buku ku bah sirrrrr.. sorry.. chill saja tu.. =p.. haha,, si maley pun tinggal tia jua,, haha.. tah ami nyampuk arah si snow and durratul tadi. haha.. awuu waa dorang annoying aa ,, dari yesterday dorang nyanyi FALL FOR YOUUUU .. balik balik.. urgh! haha. annoying wah kamu eh.. tumbuk karang.. haha.. ermm.. balik skewl tadi kaka ambil. ((: saw the ex senior.. othma and rasyidah.. yo.. drive ke soonlee nii.. jealous ku tuu.. nanti ku pte suruh orang bawa aku lunch ehh,, ehhem ehem.. haha,, siapa eyy.. lol.. =p hee,, alright.. thats all from me.. *winkwink* (:
didit lunch with her babyboyyy..=) again..hehe..=D got so damn happy but sad when we had to part after that.went for lunch at jollibee..he didnt eat though=s didit saja makan..rice with crispy chix=D yumyum!! back at the office,didit kna tinggalkan sorang with khani,the senior..like pffff..antam tah..i dnt care,as long as i do my work and get paid^^, didit is sooo attached to her babyboy..like crazyy..baru keluar from his car sudah sad gilerrr.. thats how attached she is to him.. mudahan panjang jodoh..essehh.. hehe..banar taaah.. =P til thenn... berangau dulu..
Posted by eeds and deeds at 03:38 0 comments
Monday, 9 March 2009
Sunday, 8 March 2009
didit here =) honeymoon yesterdayyy=D i was sooo damn happy..my babyboy fetched me around 7am..went to our honeymoon spot and spent the best 4hours everrr=) felt like dont wana end the honeymoon but sadly,we had to=( kenangan terindah.. esseh=) hehe=p anyways..lepas honeymooon,pergi rizqun for cuzzy's wedding.it was erm..not that fun.. hehe.. we went to the bookfair after that..not fun either.we didnt buy any books..=D didit angauuuu..wahhahaa=D in looove..
Posted by eeds and deeds at 23:38 0 comments
Saturday, 7 March 2009
weheeeeeee =D
iatah wahhhh.. haha best. next door sudah ada wireless.. so yeah,, dorang share sama kami!! we have to pay $34 every month. haha.. dorang pun bayar $34.. hehehe.. best. er,, yeah.. atu tah dulu tu.. ed gott GO.. ada date. haha. nada deh,, ;P
lovee.. till then.
Posted by eeds and deeds at 03:26 0 comments
Labels: eeedah.
Thursday, 26 February 2009
sigh much..
ed just woke up, like woke up banar banar.. momy suruh bangun jua bahh. So, yeah. Bangun. Haha. apakan.. hmm..
anyway.. sakiit my badan.. like Berabisberabis! yesterday punya pasal. Cca badminton.. Berabis main badminton, rest kejap main lagi with mims and snow. mampus ku yo.. lol..! and and,, ohh! COACH .. its been a year aku na liat coach.. wuhuu. makin hot! H-O-T HOT!! haha. seriously. (Y) but nadalah aku gatal. Haha. I think he's married jua bah. (duhh) .. :P !
here is the part that i SIGHed much. (apakan?).. iatah bahh. atu, aziz messaged me. huhu. at first ia misscall but i didnt reply. then adalah ia msg.. tnya why i've been 'cemani'. cemani is i didnt reply any of his misscalls.. i didnt text him tru msn.. whatever! taie! YOU HURT ME kau punya pasal! huhu.. tahh lastnight baru tah edah reply messagenya. i'll creta to orangyang tertentu saja. pokoknya kaan, ia cakap SORRY la.. tapi Duuude. its not that easy kan maafkan kau ..baru tah kan menyasal. and sudah atu baru want me back. sheeeshh.. ='{ jahaaaat. . .
haha.. ='D .. fucked up. Baaahh.. I'm off dulu tuu. sit happens you know.. haha. Jubur eh. Till then. *sobb sobb..
Posted by eeds and deeds at 20:35 0 comments
Wednesday, 25 February 2009
25th Feb.. Lol..
with lottsa love, from ed, d8 and ali. hahahaa! :Þ
Posted by eeds and deeds at 07:43 0 comments
broken english ..
lol.. i read lagi post yangg before nejam's. hahha! bida wah tu salah buat aa. "its was" .. hahaa. poklen. =P .. hmm, anywayy.. its me, edah .. haha. d8 na lagi mau mengupdate kali the blog. busy saja ia.. (riiiiight~) .. huhu. so.. apa da?
emm.. nada papa, Just limpang limpang.. tunggu tertidur. hee. d8 tidur sudahh. edah balum. katil lagi bejurrit. cemana kan tidurr. huhu. Emm, sambil sambil tu ed dengar radio.. sobber yo, lagu sandaran hati. Hahaa.
oh yea, i ate shepherd's pie for dinner. nyehh. BEST (Y) !! d8 mamam macaroni but na te'abis so,, yeah edah abiskan. haha. =P
online tadii.. nothin much. ani pun baru offline, pasal nada dangan chat. sorrang sorang ilaang. si poh na tah jua ada. ^_^" Pohh, sorry na message! Hee. (na jua ia membaca nii. Jubur!)
Tadiii, got no extra class. Went home charge phone kejaap, then siiit my m.c corrupted(sp?) hve to download handy lagi apa, baru tah online. ass. sigh! tidur at 4pm tadi, bangun at 5 pasaal juba(4yrold sis) mengusut. haha. annoying yo.. huhu. i saw si jeng punya car tapi ia na misscall. .. =P nada papa tu eh. haha.
TOMORROW cca.. Weeee i'm in the badminton club lagii. best. =D haha. bahh eh, ngantuk saya. Mau bobo. night. *winkwink!
and and NEJAAAM. thankyou.. iloveyou! lol. :þ Till then.
Posted by eeds and deeds at 07:39 0 comments
Tuesday, 24 February 2009
its finally done
Posted by eeds and deeds at 08:15 0 comments
Wednesday, 18 February 2009
nothin much..
hello blogg.. Sorry baru tah ter'update. ^_^" d8 tuu na mau update.. Shes too tired and malas katanya.. Hmm.. Jubur.
so anyhoo.. Em, it's almost midnight.. edah alum bobo lagi.. d8 sudahh. so.. apa ah, hee. what about di skewl.. Hmm.. sir amer nadaaa. Bising class tadii, tahh my maley sakit pala nya, :P ! cccian me baby maley, haha. afta nya siap buat maths ia jua yg bising. Haha. Jubur! before maths tadii english. Its was ..emm, entah. pokoknya kaan, heee! Me and safwa bising. We were in the reading room kan tuu. First time yo, ada bantal everywhere. Veeeery the comfy. Hee. Awu wah. Safwa baca buku starters. Haha. Ia pihit reddah bytheway. Jubur! Tau ia orang berbadan nipis. LOL. Haha.. siuk lah tadi. They pity me. Pasal reddah melayan. :p ! Maley annoyed. Macam, berrabes. Hee. Sorry Maley. Loveyou. Winkwink! :p haha.
anyway. . nada extra class tadi, alhamdulillah. Dapat sleep. Hee. I was so sleepy tadii. Giler, first lesson sudah limpang limpang arah maley. :p haha.. Wth.. Hmm.. Si maley kambeng.
umm,, apa lagi a, oh, and yeah. The guys (neighbours and the geng) haha. Siiuk main football ramai ramaii. Best. Abang herry saja tadi. On his way ke ujung ah kan bola. Belari makan kebab. Haha! Sicko.. =D
Bah eh, iatah dulu tu. I'm sleepy. I'll update bila reddah ' got time ' hahaha! Aite..
and and HE MISSCALLED ME!! =S ! napa misscall? Hmm..
I'm off. Update soon. Till then. (':
Posted by eeds and deeds at 08:33 0 comments
Labels: eeddah
Monday, 9 February 2009
monday? (:
okayyy.. Woke up at ..umm.. I'm not sure.. Haha. :p .. tidur at 3plus lastnight.. buwhuu,, can't sleep dimalaam. sigh!
so anyway.. Tadii datang skewl.. The repeaters ada.. A bit nervous lah. Lol. Edah pulang nervous. Haha. Ada tah tu. ;p .. awal awal tadi lesson.. Emm, yeah. English. Sleepy wah yo.. Haha. Berrabes! Afta english, maths. Emm.. Kami continue exercise baru.. Haha! Previous exrcise alum lagi siap. Huhu. Oh and atu, 3 repeatrs masuk class kami. Macam.. Okayyy. =D
haha.. Afta maths, commerce.. Lol! Sir balikkan test paper kami,, iatahh siapa fail the first test, diri atas kerusi.. 2nd test diri atas meja.. 3rd test diri diluar class. Haha. Safwa diri atas meja yo.. Paling tinggi wah. =P ! My baby maley puun. Haha. Diluar class sama amal. Haha. Edahh diri atas kerusi saja. Haha! Revision kaliaaah.. *winkwink! Haha.
umm.. Malay tadii. Siuk. Cigu hj.ali best. Haha. Love em. =D ..lol. Irk.. Mengantuk. Haha. Extra class tadiii maths and irk. Math was okaay. Irk mcm.. macam nada. Hee. ^_^"
The 'membari sanak' part is edah balik extra class at 4plus. Guess what, ayah lupaaaa. Momy pun lupaaa. Jubur. Adakah patut na ingat anak, haha. Ayah tu .. Senyum senyum. Jahhat ia lupa. ='( haha! D8 lanja kfc tadi bytheway.. Tapi boring. Ia macam kusut. Apadeyy. Haha. Bah, i gotta go dulu.. :p lottsa homework to do.. :s .. Alright. Till then.. (:
Posted by eeds and deeds at 05:19 0 comments
Labels: eeddahh
Sunday, 8 February 2009
Just got home.. we went out to giant mall just now for eat.. before atu ambil alii di gadong (mall). Juburrr. Ia jahhat na bawa edah. Buwhuu.
Haha. Anyho.. Di giant aa, macam macam ada down there, ada bitches & errm.. Losers =D ..before ambil alii we stayed at home.. Feelin bored.. Hmmph.
Momy wants d8 to belanja kfc tomorrow ^,^ .. Haha..
Eddah is freakin .. urm.. Annoyed bout her ex .. Which is so terribly sad.
Life is too short to be sad !! =D dono what else to say people, so blurr now .. Till then.. ! =D
Posted by eeds and deeds at 05:23 0 comments
Thursday, 5 February 2009
edah got bored..
Hello to who's reading this. Haha. Edah got booored .. Berabes! Last night juaa, macam.. apadeyy.. Haha. Wth. Anyway.. Went to bed early.. around 10plus.. got nothin' to do, so yeahh. Tidurr. ;D
woke up around eleven tadii. Misscall orangg. Then went straight to the toilet, brushd my teethh and cuci muka .. Saja. Haha. Lol. Then turuun, ambil hati momy, dangani momy nyasah. Haha. Reddahh reddahh.. *sigh! Haha.
Momy asked me to masak nasi and so i did.. ayah balik kerja, single. d8 na ikut.. at work saja. Jubur. hmm.. at work kaaaan tu? haha. =P
ate lunch around 1? iakah? haha. i aaate nugget(sp?) .. sayurr entah apakah namanya, andd redbeans! Haha. nugget. yummyhh. Best. Haha. Dua kali kaut nasi tarus. Haha. Alhamdulillah i got kenyang, haha.
we were watching Canada's next top model tu tadi masa lunch, haha. tahh part the models kana suruh ambil photos .. with a male model. haha. I was like, handsome ehh. Haha. Mcm, gay. =p then juba cakapp, "ehh, bida liaaaah~ aku na suka." haha. The male model botak bahh iatah ia na sukaa. Haha. =D anyho.. Now edah tunggu kaka baliik, she's out with her boyfriend. afta ia balik kita orang ambil d8, i think. Ghee, then ke 'kedai jahit'. I think jua. Haha. LOL. emm, i think thats it from me. hee. alright, till then. (;
Posted by eeds and deeds at 23:39 0 comments
Labels: eeeddah.
Wednesday, 4 February 2009
very first entry :D
okay.. =D .. Our first entry for the blog... Its wednesday.. and we're bored now, just fooling around in our room.. Making noises on the bed.. Don't get the wrong idea though! =P
anyways.. Edah masak indomie tadi for d8 and ali, wahaha! =P got a lil hungry after work. d8 went out with bb at lunch. Edah didnt have extra class today and went home at lunch time. Weeee.. =D ..
what else..erm.. Its cold today..for sure!! We bet everybody realise that. Tadi pagi, in the van, it was like in an aeroplane.. Haha.. Ada blankey, ada snacks and drinks..and it was cold !! rasa macam mau tidur.. Nyahaha !! Got nothing else to say now..
nothing much happened .. pretty lonely day ..
till then.. (:
Posted by eeds and deeds at 04:13 0 comments
Monday, 26 October 2009
7th Months Friendvasary! <3
I couldn't get you a gift yet. ;p So anyway bestfriend, here are some quotes.. some. :p I like em.. you don't like it you punya pasal. haha. :p nada deh. =) hope you like it! <3
A friend is who knows us, but loves us anyway
- Fr.Jerome Cummings
A faithful friend is the medicine of Life
- Apocrypha
(you are! :D )
Friends are needed both joy & for sorrow
- Samuel Paterson
(like I need you all the time)
In good times, In bad times I'll be on your side forever more, That's what friends are for.
- that's what friends are for.
(I will always be there for you)
Best Friend just won't leave your side
-Blink 182
(See! ;p)
If I had only one friend left, I'd want to be with you
- Paul Overstreet
(I know you'd say this one day. :p)
Every now and then we find a special friend, who never let us down, who understands it all, reaches out each time you fall, you're the Best friend I've found.
- jordan hill 'remember me this way'
Happy Friendvasary Dear Bestfriend.
Nur Nadiah Syaza Binti Haji Morni.
I love you long time! :D
wrong spelling marah kan didit. =p (didit di persalahkan) hehe.
Posted by eeds and deeds at 15:50 0 comments
Sunday, 9 August 2009

so anywayyy!! it's edah here. hahhaa. err'' it's been awhile i haven't update ini blog.. ;) hehe.
so anyway.. emm.. nuthin much i can say here.. just missing si M.. buhu. i watched football lastnight sama ayah and them siblings & si chey. haha. AND i saw muiiz! sigh.. i didnt get to meet him. jubur :( but it's okay.. see him dari jauh jaditah. :) it was fun tho. hehe edah bawa didit liat pun cause i know she's depressed! pffth. edah pun. haha. mau mau tah jua but banar. hahaha.
emm.. what else. hehe. oh oh.. hari tu edah sama jub jub webcam sama jaja. HEHE. it was .. funny. a lil awkward .. to syaza. :p haha. jub jub kept askin edah if jaja's smiling kah inda. haha. jubur itu budak. like ia peratikan jaja. hahhaa. (Y) good girl jub jub. :p hehe. nati lagi. yes syaza? haha. love you.
oh i miss this guy!
nejaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam! i need to see you! haha. i miss you bah ehh!! :'P
and them.. :')
hehe, i got it from yean. wish to see kamu-kamu SOON! hopefully! ;)
and the girl who made this.. ;D
alright. hehe. I'm off. ;p i'll update soon.. or if inda edah, didit yang update. mau tengok bola dulu. ;pp
loves, ed.
*any spelling mistakes. BROKEN ENGLISH. or what so ever SORRY ah. hahaha. :p
Posted by eeds and deeds at 06:31 0 comments
Wednesday, 22 July 2009
Didit here.. At school right nw.. Bored like ermm.. Umm..i dnt knw.i wna go out :( so broke at the mo,so.. Jst gona stay for lunch.babyboy's at work:s imma hv to deal with it. Buhuu.. Hopefully its gona be a good day.. Til then..
Posted by eeds and deeds at 20:59 0 comments
Sunday, 5 July 2009
heyy. edah here. (; hehe. i got bored. juba's playin' pet society. huhu. belabih that kid. i messaged muiz just now. rinduuuuu berabis sama that guy. hummm.
anyhooo. tomorrow school! and i'm not readyy, c-c-c-c-ccrrrayzeyy. hopefully okay saja esuk. hehe. jadi ninja ni semua di school. tomorrow stay BACK.. wuhh. what time balik ah? haha. karang tha liat time-table. :p :p
edah off dulu. mau liat narnia. haha.
loves people! <3
will update SOON! (:
Posted by eeds and deeds at 08:54 0 comments
Sunday, 28 June 2009
why.. ?
hello again readers. Hehe. And again i'm using d8's phone. :D haha. So yeah.. First of all..
so yeah, i woke up around 12plus.. Hee. My bad bgun aher. Haha. :p sekalikaaaaan.. edah took shower and everything terus turun. ate momy's spaghetti tadi for lunch. Best! Ehe. After lunch .. Watched tv with d8.. Nada kan di liat di tv! So kami cari lagu MJ <3! Hee.
Sekalikaaaan. Haha. Majal sekalinya ani! ;p haha. edah creta masa evening saja trus. Haha. Ah iatag kan masa evening around 5plus , momy ckp ia bwa yusri n juba round round. Kami tinggal saja di rumah. Hahaha. Betudung ia sudah ni momy aa. Edah pun santai sudah meliat malaysia's open..final. Haha. udah nya msuk kreta tu apa. Haha. Di offernya tia kami.. Momy ckp "dady mu mmbwa round arah sekulah. Siapa mau ikut 5 seconds" haha. Edah sama didit apa lagi. 5 seconds. Hahaha! Edah ngam pakai baju nusa laila, didit was like.. " aii dah, baju mu.. Awwh.." haha!
edah - pakai plg bju mu!
didit - "ihh. inda ku tau dimana, mlsku cari" haha!
then edah bgi ia kan bju nusa lailanya. Haha. Iski ani wah. Hahaha. Too bad the school kana rubuh sudah .. :') hehe.
Yusri lagi tia capi. Di liatnya kami pakai bju p.e nusa laila, di ambilnya tarus baju p.e nya ! Hahaha. Sick. (Y)
we took some pictures oh. nanti edah upload arah facebook. (: hee. Sayang my school kana rubuh. Huhu.
OH! And tadiii temparik nya berijap! i think it was around 9plus, it was like something explode apa. Sigh. Berijap! Haha. Didit capi ia fikir van yang explode or something -_-' haha.
i think atu saja edah kan creta. im tired. :/ night people. Hee.
ANY ENGLISH OR SPELLING or whatever MISTAKES. Sorry ah. Hahah. :p
Posted by eeds and deeds at 11:35 0 comments
Saturday, 27 June 2009
i had a 'fun' day? (:
hello readers, edah's posting this time. Hehe. i'm using d8's phone.. So any spelling mistakes jgn tegur. Haha.
So yeah.. Like the headline ws saying.. I had a fun day.. Hee. I went to gadong, met some new friends. (; hee. mun kan bcreta bnyk ni kan di cretakan bt ani edah pakai phone. So yeahh detail sikit jaditah. :p
First i got there i met muiz, <3 ! atupun sekejap saja, hee. Missed him o.. :) while waiting for jaja to dtg, edah round round dulu.. Mcm apa gnya gdg ah. Menakutkan.. Itwas like. Poklen! Haha. Apaan. ;p haha. Bnr! Membari ingau atii. Hahaha.
So anyhoo.. round round atu i saw si gee but edah na tau ia kemana ,ngam i saw apep,roy and yeah. Edah msgd apep told em i saw them.. Sekalinya edah naik kan aga dorang, yean msg yg dorg tnggu di entrance.haha! Kampis parut edah oleh dorg. ;p haha. Chill sekejap sama dorang di entrance.. Then dorang balik..
Then ada my cousin. Hee. While waiting for jaja! Again, edah jalan jalan.. Scary oh jalan jalan sendiri di gdg, especially tadi! Bnyk poklen -_-' takut edah. Hahaha. ;p
Oh this part cali. Haha. Ada this girl, hehe. Ia salah orang wahh. Mcm. Ia aga edahh as if edah ani kwnnya. Hahaha! Surprised lagi tu usulnya confident i was her friend. Haha. :p rupanya kwn si sarahh(Linah's cousin) Haha.
Sekalikaaaan. Ada this freaky looking guy menantang edah mcm..wohh. Mata wh di liatnya ah. Membari ingau ati. Haha! Edah apa lagi. Temeng lah. Tntang sikit. Haha! ! :p sikit. Then he walked away. Haha. Takut ia kaliah. Haha! Joke.
Menunggu nunggu atu ada tiaaa si gee and this girl. Haha. Edah na tau siapa .. So edah calld out gee's name saja. Haha. Tapi yg next to her ani yg sbut my name dulu. Haha. Si gee was like "em, siapa ah?" i was like.. Whaaaaa? Haha. Nada deh. Edah beritau lh yg atu edah, inda jua sure siapa. Sudah si Linah beritau my fullname bru th si gee kan kenal. Haha. Pity me. :p so yeah, kami berkenalan apa. Eseh. Hahah. =p sambil sambil atu meliat org poklen. Haha. Ada yg perasan bh binibini ah seluar tingkai nya gee. Haha! :p
We're from different schools bytheway ;D
edah - smpaphm
syaza - smb
Linah - stpri
gee - smsb
Hee. Siuk. Apaan. Haha. :p oh oh and there's shema and sheila too! Tapi dorang sama the boyfriends. :p haha. Shema asked me if i have a bf. Then i said no, and ia terkajut! Haha! Linah pun kajut. Why kan? Edah inda sais single kah? ;p haha.
uwww. I even saw afiq, alim, farel, rusdey, Najib! ;p , zeem, fariz, and lots of teman baik edah lagi. Heheh. Oh edah mention the guys ja. :p haha. Ada deh girls. Ada amal. Ehe. Bella, rabii, nisyah and her sister, jalilah :D hee.
Apaan edah ah iski. ;p there's bnyk lagi edah kn creta tpi edah ngaleh. pakai phone th lgi.haha. :p mkay, im off.
and oh! We took some pictures too! Hee. Tapi arh linah's phone and some arah sarah's camera. Hee. They were great. I mean, they-them-the girls. ;p haha. Girls day out kaliah. Haha. Mkay edahh. Tidur tah aher sudah. ;p
and jaja, im sorry. promise edah inda ckp pasal iaaa. ): ah jajaa. Sorry.. :s
Posted by eeds and deeds at 12:48 0 comments
Wednesday, 27 May 2009
okayy.. im posting again.. d8 here btw. happy birthday to babu love:D hehe.. im hungry right now.. jusst got back from werk.. with babyboy:p im so missing him right now:s obsessed and addicted!! wht else..? ermm..well, went to werk frm 8 till 5pm.. tired.. but it was ok.. a fine day somehow:D it was raining tdi and i went for a nap at lunchtime..nymn tdur..haha..sunyiii..and cold!! laparrr..buhuuu.. jst ate rice at 10am break td with cheese tarts.thts it..and keropok.. so,yea,laparrr.. till then..
Posted by eeds and deeds at 03:10 0 comments
Monday, 27 April 2009
here are some poems. edah google.. lol!! orang jobless. HEE! Can't sleep. -_-' sigh..
by Sweetheart
One day you'll stop loving me
you will have enough
and i'll be forced to start over
life will be so tough
one day you'll forget me
you'll forget what we went through
the memories that you and i once shared
will mean nothing to you...
one day you'll move on with your life
and when you're finally free
i'll be left with nothing but
memories of you and me...
by Love drought melody
Every time I think of you
I miss the things we had
I can't fall asleep in his arms
When you're the one that's on my mind
Goodbye was just your favourite word
I should've seen it coming by now
Cloudy skies have become my life now
Seems it's my life that's at an end
But when I said I wouldn't miss you
That was the biggest lie
It's killing me so slowly
Watching you live without me there
I can't fall asleep with him anymore
When you're the one that's on my mind
When I told you I wouldn't miss you
that's the most painful lie I've told...
by HeavenOnEarth
Walking past your old house,
Brought so much back to me.
A distant memory came back,
And set so many emotions free.
It tore me to pieces once more,
All I want to do is cry.
I can't bare to think of your touch,
It kills to remember the lie.
I can feel you here beside me,
Feel your once warm embrace.
I can feel your fingers on my lips,
The lines you used to trace.
It hurts so unbelievably bad,
It's killing me inside.
I'm falling into myself,
Feel as if I should hide.
I've been dreaming about you,
All the time we spent together.
I know in my heart,
That we were meant to be forever.
It must have been easy to walk out,
To decide to let me go.
Was I not enough?
Won't you let me know?
I've had my share of loneliness,
I love you so much it hurt.
How did it feel to be the one?
With your face left in the dirt.
Because baby you lost us,
And all we were to be.
Or did you not care?
Because it was only me.
Posted by eeds and deeds at 11:27 0 comments
Sunday, 19 April 2009
so anyway, saja update before sleep ani jua. d8 alum jua ter update. haha. emm.. pasal the hundred percent malas edah creta. what done is done a apep aa. :p haha. you owe me a kebab. hahaha. ada lagi tu. :P nada lah. hundred percent is always a hundred percent. :D
err... edah now blogging saja.. woke up late tadi.. around 4plus. haha. really really aher pasal malas. haha. sunday tah lagii. *winkwink! haha! d8 awal bangun tadi i think. pasal ia cakap ia arah bilik momy pagi .. plus ia menyasah tadi. hehe. :D emm.. kami main badminton tadi sekejap but really sekejap well not that sekejap but sekejap lah pasaaaaal.. pasal kaaaan ada orang menunu lah, macam.. i can breathe yoo. haha! ampus edah ulehnya. hahaa. kalau buleh aa.. jangan tah menunu bah ehhh! HAHA. *sasak*
haha, adangtah cakap pasal menunu ani. ahha. nii dorang momy dibawah masih meliat man.u .. BORINGG. hehehe. edah macam hungry now.. but malas kan turun. ): ngantuk dah. haha. bah eh, im sleepy sudah. i'll try to suruh d8 update soon. kay? *winkwink! :p
Posted by eeds and deeds at 09:59 0 comments
Saturday, 11 April 2009
errr.. hundred percent?
helllooooo.. edah here. emm.. im at ajim's place.. with the Ds.. like.. blurrrrr.. si apep jahaaat. lol.. we're like mebuli si apep.. ! wuuuu. pep.. hundred percent aaaaa.. baik, liat movie ama aiiiiiiiisy. haha! nyhoo.. si buntak gay .. lol... emm.. edah .. shes not feeling well. haha. ani pun bored,, got nothin to do.. watched movie ama d8 and akeem tadi petang.. we watched jangan tegur. it was. okaaaayyyy. haha. ada jua edah triak triak laa. kapit kapit ama d8 tia jua edah a tadi. wuhuuu. sian edah single tadi.. lol.. edah met si big ass tadi jap.. ^_^" imissyou big ass. haha. bah bah anii tah dulu,, akit pala edah. ): na lagi pandai mamam panadol tuu.. haha. alriiiight. :P
nanti edah update lagi creta pasal the real hundred percent. :D ghahah! suuuudah lah kau pep!
-_-' sigh..
Posted by eeds and deeds at 07:12 0 comments
Labels: eeeedah
Monday, 23 March 2009
May Allah Bless You!! and Wish you have a Blast! =D
with LOVE,
edah, family and si poh. =p
Posted by eeds and deeds at 12:04 0 comments
heyy readers. emmm,, its been entah i haven't update. nyeheee. i'm bored.. baru sajja masuk rumah, chill sama amerr andd bojing" tadii sekejap. SEKEJAP daja. and si bojeng jahhat menyayaa. nanti kauu bojengg. =p.. haha.. anyway.. edah borring today.. babysitting saja. them (parents, d8) went to work.. kaka went o school. ali pun, but ali will be away for like 3 days.. i think.. hes staying di rimba.. i dont know apa ada, he said ada lawatan,, (kadet tentera udara) lol,, i dont know apa.. haha. aaaaand i stayed at home aaaaalll day with juba and yusri. borring ! sobber. haha.. nada lagi food, how sad is that? ada pulang chocolate. tapii zip. strawberry lagi tuu. erghh.. me no likeyy. hahha. ermm.. whatelse? (: heee.. i guess atu dulu.. my head hurts .. huhu.. and and, my kaki still sangaaaall. buwhuu.. sian edah. =p
alright, till then.. *winkwink*
Posted by eeds and deeds at 03:45 0 comments
Labels: ed ibrahim. =p
Thursday, 19 March 2009
hy babygurl..
aftrnoon..bangun2 sdh terus msg baby tdi :), doffice ada byk kerjaan tpi bukan hun yg buat,yata hun reply blog baby..
baby dun have to mention bout it, hun will do anything 4 baby, as i said before " selagi hun msh mampu berdiri, selagi atu hunkn buat sendiri " remember???
akukn menghiasimu dngn semampuku.. next week tani jmupa lge no worries ya baby..
love u so much princessputera.
Posted by eeds and deeds at 23:34 0 comments
bored again.. heee
anyhoo.. my back hurts, my head,, my legs, segala-galanya sakit. haha. seeeeriously. macam,, jubur. urgh. sigh.. okay,, tadi.. hmm,, woke up late sedikit.. like around 6:15.. hee,, na jua late banar lah. =p but still late bah tu. hhaha. iatah,, tadi last day of first term,, aand kami cross country tadii!! wehee. kepisan but heyy edah ada trophy kecil liaaah. hahahha. nanti tah edah post apa usulnya,, lol. i got number 28! hee, 28 or 26 LOL i forgot it already,, MY BAD.. pokoknya i got the trophy for category(sp?) group c berlari berkumpulan. =D i didn't expect it bytheway. nyeheh, but wth.. aku dapat trophy wah tu.. haha. barbie & peach pun dapat.. yeyyy for kamii!! haha,, best. =P
before the cross country mulaa.. omg ada yang annoying. malas edah creta. *wink! heee. after pun annoying. apakaaan? =p haha,, bemasaalah kali si edah anii. LOL. hee,, after the acara habis,, cigu zulidi announce siapa kan ikut badminton.. for next month. ada belawan. huhuuu. aku mau ikuuuut. hopefully dapaaaat~ hmm,, lol,, the funny part was when i told cigu ariffin yg edah mau ikut ia ucap edah lagi tu,, you guys wanna know apa ia ucap edah? try imagine ia dance macam pocoyo. hahaha. iatah sudah tu. ia ucap edah main badminton cematu!! HAHHAHAHHA! cappii tu cigu ahh. KAMBAAANG. hahaha. so, yeah.. ramai yang daftar tadi.. (: like about 30 orang.. the pemilihian will be held on the 28th March. Saturday. Nextweek. lol... menentukan pukul berapa pun payah bah tadi ah. haha. but kami mau pukul 8, so.. yeah pukul 8..till 11. ((: hee.. then barutah kami ke class. tot nada orang, ada amal, peach, weeya and safwa.. jubur dorang ahh nada cleankan class. =p! i did everything except the windows. haha. ujung ujungnya bemuscle nii. LOL.. what am i saying here.. haha. ada-ada saja. =D alriiight, atu tah dulu. (L).. sorry if na bertantu. hee .. *winkwink*
Posted by eeds and deeds at 12:32 0 comments
Wednesday, 18 March 2009
looking at that picture of the mini jug..whats your first thought? mine.. 'ermm..okay=) ' hehe.. my babyboy gave it to me on tuesday..he was so excited..and yea,i was quite surprised cos his excitement didnt match the gift.. but then..when i poured out the stars in te mini jug.. =D ada a pair of silver diamond earringsss=') sweet jua tuu..i didnt expect that..i rly thouht t was just the jug cos he only asked whether i hv my own table di ofis or not. he is sooo full of surprises.. but.. i love him..i do..and babyboy,if you're reading this..i appreciate evrything you did and do for me..always.. i love you=)
Posted by eeds and deeds at 20:10 0 comments
it's me and d8.. lol,, masa thursday night. ghee.. see, edah lusuh. =p kes boring sudah tuu. =D haha.
edah here.. (; sorry baru tah kan terupdate. nyehee.. so, anyway.. i viewed some blogs.. sportsbrunei ah edah view, lol.. si bojing tu bekas menyuruh meliatkan blog prof something soccer.. hahaha, lupa tia edah sudah apa blogspotnya. haha. ermm.. hee. iatah waa. i'm bored.. dorang d8 tidur sudahh. it's still 11 plus, and dorang tidur sudah. how jubur is that? edah na sleepy.. edah sudah tidur petang tadi sama juba,, wheee thank god nada extra class. ngantuk bah tadi di skewlah ah. especially masa di reading room. melimpang baca buku.. haha,, baik ju na tertidur.. ;p!
sebenarnya kan,, edah na tau bah apakan di update sini ani.. masa masa kusut ani tah,, eseh. haha. banarrrrr. si barbie tau tu kenapa. haha. ;p now,, i'm chatting with faez.. like,, sorang sorang na tau apakan di cakap usulnya.. huhu. si poh anii entah mana tia.. offline. jubur. bah,, na edah tau lagi apakn di type in.. i'm so f blank. alriiight.. =p *winkwink*
and and to NEJAM ku sayang,, ciian 'sick' ia,, ;p GET WELL SOON. loveyou! heeeee. hugs. ajis pun! (:
Posted by eeds and deeds at 08:15 0 comments
Posted by eeds and deeds at 00:35 0 comments
Tuesday, 17 March 2009
hy baby good afternoon;p hun free nw belum ada kerja mau d buat,btw hun a bit sad today pasal nda jumpa baby cause bby tau y kn?sbr saja ya dulu by..sunyi sepi doffice petang nie,hun pulang yang boring without baby here.Baby hear hun.......days goes by,a day without ur presence makes my day gloomy,the sense of your very presence infront of these eyes brighten up everytink,ur my everytink,i love u with every beat of my heart
Posted by eeds and deeds at 23:14 0 comments
Helew..putera here didit's babyboy,last week kmi honeymoon,this week kmi barbeque dpantai muara ofcourselah with my babygirl siuk nyeerrr..sekali hujan mcm wah..romantic haha,then kmi pindah ke rumah ajiim,dri pagi til kn kemlm kmi sama2,tengok cerita hantu lagi,tapikn....nda concentrate ;p but overall,im happy to the max,yg pntingnya i love u babygirl..nda prnh hun gini.so CRAZY....nw mau jaln ambil babygirl dulu..loving u always -PUTERA1921 I LOVE U SO MUCH MUCH..DAMN MUCH..
Posted by eeds and deeds at 00:20 0 comments
Saturday, 14 March 2009
so bored here..without my babyboy..=( the house is pretty messy..especially our room.i dont get why is it so hard for them to keep the room clean..it stresses me out!! anyhow..i miss you too my babyboy..real baaad.if i could just be beside you all the time.booohooo=( 3 days in a row lunch with babyboy=) sugarbun, jollibee, express.. lots of fun..next week lagi aa..=p tommorow barbeque at pantai muara..again..hope its gona be much fun.. and hopefully ramaiii..and and hopefully theres gona be yummy food..=D cant wait. kemariin..aher masuk kerja=p siapa punya pasal? ermm...everybody!!haha..giler.. masuk office lalu back door!pandai takut!wahaha..giler laa kamuu.. lain kali buat lagi!=p
thers not much i wana say actualy.just so bored here.. til thenn.. berangau dulu..
Posted by eeds and deeds at 02:01 0 comments
Thursday, 12 March 2009
bored bahh..
wah,, iloveyou too babyboy.. haha
salah,, =P .. anyhoo.. edah here .. i dont know what to say,, saja update. hee..
err.. im sleepy.. d8 kerja today.. didn't balik tadi.. edah ate meggi curry with telur for lunch.. lol.. sampai berbuka butang jeans wah yo.. =p haha
erm.. what else.. awu wah,, si ali is next to me now.. macam,, ia balum mandi kan,, bau eh,, hahaha. (jahat).. hmm.. (: edah macam sleepy.. tidur awal jua sudahhh.. yehhh.. gilerr.. i got nothin to do lagi this petang.. macam.. okayy.. poh asked me out nii sebenarnya.. kan bawa liat orang main netball di menglait.. with kajek,, but edah na mau.. plus i have to dangani momy di rumah,, sorry poh. nanti tahh jalan.. (:
alright,, i think atu dulu,, karang lagi edah update. (L)..
Posted by eeds and deeds at 22:54 0 comments
babygirl,sorry.coz diz is da 1stym hun buat tempat blog baby and sorry to edah kcw blog.nutink much 2 say here~sini lagggggggg......ane pun my friend yg tolong..missing u so much baby,buat kerja pun nda tentu,thinking of babygirl24/7.im so CRAZZZYYYY.... ;DeVeRyThInG iS juSt U aNgeL...dont forget to eat your lunch.hun will fetch babygirl later;D
Posted by eeds and deeds at 21:07 0 comments
Wednesday, 11 March 2009
11th March..
er,, ed woke up at.. 5:55 am,, hhee.. erm,, went to the washroom .. mandi segala.. =p.. sebenarnyakaaan,, edah malas skewlah ba tadi. haha. and and awal tidur lastnight bytheway.. =p. heheh.. tapi bangun still jua sleepy.. ): errmm,, awu wa ia tah wa. haha apakann,, i dont know wha to say.. tadi di skewl.. nothin much,, ada assembly.. "menengah 5's" assembly.. hee,, so yeah, kami duduk dapann,, i don't know was it the dewan or me yang hot tadi.. lol.. =p !!
haha.. yeah,, malay tadi buat commerce corretion.. haha,, edah lupa buat correction.. my baad, heee tapi siap jua.. nyeheh.. then.. commerce di cal room, then break time.. then,, maths. haha.. tinggal buku ku bah sirrrrr.. sorry.. chill saja tu.. =p.. haha,, si maley pun tinggal tia jua,, haha.. tah ami nyampuk arah si snow and durratul tadi. haha.. awuu waa dorang annoying aa ,, dari yesterday dorang nyanyi FALL FOR YOUUUU .. balik balik.. urgh! haha. annoying wah kamu eh.. tumbuk karang.. haha.. ermm.. balik skewl tadi kaka ambil. ((: saw the ex senior.. othma and rasyidah.. yo.. drive ke soonlee nii.. jealous ku tuu.. nanti ku pte suruh orang bawa aku lunch ehh,, ehhem ehem.. haha,, siapa eyy.. lol.. =p hee,, alright.. thats all from me.. *winkwink* (:
didit lunch with her babyboyyy..=) again..hehe..=D got so damn happy but sad when we had to part after that.went for lunch at jollibee..he didnt eat though=s didit saja makan..rice with crispy chix=D yumyum!! back at the office,didit kna tinggalkan sorang with khani,the senior..like pffff..antam tah..i dnt care,as long as i do my work and get paid^^, didit is sooo attached to her babyboy..like crazyy..baru keluar from his car sudah sad gilerrr.. thats how attached she is to him.. mudahan panjang jodoh..essehh.. hehe..banar taaah.. =P til thenn... berangau dulu..
Posted by eeds and deeds at 03:38 0 comments
Monday, 9 March 2009
Sunday, 8 March 2009
didit here =) honeymoon yesterdayyy=D i was sooo damn happy..my babyboy fetched me around 7am..went to our honeymoon spot and spent the best 4hours everrr=) felt like dont wana end the honeymoon but sadly,we had to=( kenangan terindah.. esseh=) hehe=p anyways..lepas honeymooon,pergi rizqun for cuzzy's wedding.it was erm..not that fun.. hehe.. we went to the bookfair after that..not fun either.we didnt buy any books..=D didit angauuuu..wahhahaa=D in looove..
Posted by eeds and deeds at 23:38 0 comments
Saturday, 7 March 2009
weheeeeeee =D
iatah wahhhh.. haha best. next door sudah ada wireless.. so yeah,, dorang share sama kami!! we have to pay $34 every month. haha.. dorang pun bayar $34.. hehehe.. best. er,, yeah.. atu tah dulu tu.. ed gott GO.. ada date. haha. nada deh,, ;P
lovee.. till then.
Posted by eeds and deeds at 03:26 0 comments
Labels: eeedah.
Thursday, 26 February 2009
sigh much..
ed just woke up, like woke up banar banar.. momy suruh bangun jua bahh. So, yeah. Bangun. Haha. apakan.. hmm..
anyway.. sakiit my badan.. like Berabisberabis! yesterday punya pasal. Cca badminton.. Berabis main badminton, rest kejap main lagi with mims and snow. mampus ku yo.. lol..! and and,, ohh! COACH .. its been a year aku na liat coach.. wuhuu. makin hot! H-O-T HOT!! haha. seriously. (Y) but nadalah aku gatal. Haha. I think he's married jua bah. (duhh) .. :P !
here is the part that i SIGHed much. (apakan?).. iatah bahh. atu, aziz messaged me. huhu. at first ia misscall but i didnt reply. then adalah ia msg.. tnya why i've been 'cemani'. cemani is i didnt reply any of his misscalls.. i didnt text him tru msn.. whatever! taie! YOU HURT ME kau punya pasal! huhu.. tahh lastnight baru tah edah reply messagenya. i'll creta to orangyang tertentu saja. pokoknya kaan, ia cakap SORRY la.. tapi Duuude. its not that easy kan maafkan kau ..baru tah kan menyasal. and sudah atu baru want me back. sheeeshh.. ='{ jahaaaat. . .
haha.. ='D .. fucked up. Baaahh.. I'm off dulu tuu. sit happens you know.. haha. Jubur eh. Till then. *sobb sobb..
Posted by eeds and deeds at 20:35 0 comments
Wednesday, 25 February 2009
25th Feb.. Lol..
with lottsa love, from ed, d8 and ali. hahahaa! :Þ
Posted by eeds and deeds at 07:43 0 comments
broken english ..
lol.. i read lagi post yangg before nejam's. hahha! bida wah tu salah buat aa. "its was" .. hahaa. poklen. =P .. hmm, anywayy.. its me, edah .. haha. d8 na lagi mau mengupdate kali the blog. busy saja ia.. (riiiiight~) .. huhu. so.. apa da?
emm.. nada papa, Just limpang limpang.. tunggu tertidur. hee. d8 tidur sudahh. edah balum. katil lagi bejurrit. cemana kan tidurr. huhu. Emm, sambil sambil tu ed dengar radio.. sobber yo, lagu sandaran hati. Hahaa.
oh yea, i ate shepherd's pie for dinner. nyehh. BEST (Y) !! d8 mamam macaroni but na te'abis so,, yeah edah abiskan. haha. =P
online tadii.. nothin much. ani pun baru offline, pasal nada dangan chat. sorrang sorang ilaang. si poh na tah jua ada. ^_^" Pohh, sorry na message! Hee. (na jua ia membaca nii. Jubur!)
Tadiii, got no extra class. Went home charge phone kejaap, then siiit my m.c corrupted(sp?) hve to download handy lagi apa, baru tah online. ass. sigh! tidur at 4pm tadi, bangun at 5 pasaal juba(4yrold sis) mengusut. haha. annoying yo.. huhu. i saw si jeng punya car tapi ia na misscall. .. =P nada papa tu eh. haha.
TOMORROW cca.. Weeee i'm in the badminton club lagii. best. =D haha. bahh eh, ngantuk saya. Mau bobo. night. *winkwink!
and and NEJAAAM. thankyou.. iloveyou! lol. :þ Till then.
Posted by eeds and deeds at 07:39 0 comments
Tuesday, 24 February 2009
its finally done
Posted by eeds and deeds at 08:15 0 comments
Wednesday, 18 February 2009
nothin much..
hello blogg.. Sorry baru tah ter'update. ^_^" d8 tuu na mau update.. Shes too tired and malas katanya.. Hmm.. Jubur.
so anyhoo.. Em, it's almost midnight.. edah alum bobo lagi.. d8 sudahh. so.. apa ah, hee. what about di skewl.. Hmm.. sir amer nadaaa. Bising class tadii, tahh my maley sakit pala nya, :P ! cccian me baby maley, haha. afta nya siap buat maths ia jua yg bising. Haha. Jubur! before maths tadii english. Its was ..emm, entah. pokoknya kaan, heee! Me and safwa bising. We were in the reading room kan tuu. First time yo, ada bantal everywhere. Veeeery the comfy. Hee. Awu wah. Safwa baca buku starters. Haha. Ia pihit reddah bytheway. Jubur! Tau ia orang berbadan nipis. LOL. Haha.. siuk lah tadi. They pity me. Pasal reddah melayan. :p ! Maley annoyed. Macam, berrabes. Hee. Sorry Maley. Loveyou. Winkwink! :p haha.
anyway. . nada extra class tadi, alhamdulillah. Dapat sleep. Hee. I was so sleepy tadii. Giler, first lesson sudah limpang limpang arah maley. :p haha.. Wth.. Hmm.. Si maley kambeng.
umm,, apa lagi a, oh, and yeah. The guys (neighbours and the geng) haha. Siiuk main football ramai ramaii. Best. Abang herry saja tadi. On his way ke ujung ah kan bola. Belari makan kebab. Haha! Sicko.. =D
Bah eh, iatah dulu tu. I'm sleepy. I'll update bila reddah ' got time ' hahaha! Aite..
and and HE MISSCALLED ME!! =S ! napa misscall? Hmm..
I'm off. Update soon. Till then. (':
Posted by eeds and deeds at 08:33 0 comments
Labels: eeddah
Monday, 9 February 2009
monday? (:
okayyy.. Woke up at ..umm.. I'm not sure.. Haha. :p .. tidur at 3plus lastnight.. buwhuu,, can't sleep dimalaam. sigh!
so anyway.. Tadii datang skewl.. The repeaters ada.. A bit nervous lah. Lol. Edah pulang nervous. Haha. Ada tah tu. ;p .. awal awal tadi lesson.. Emm, yeah. English. Sleepy wah yo.. Haha. Berrabes! Afta english, maths. Emm.. Kami continue exercise baru.. Haha! Previous exrcise alum lagi siap. Huhu. Oh and atu, 3 repeatrs masuk class kami. Macam.. Okayyy. =D
haha.. Afta maths, commerce.. Lol! Sir balikkan test paper kami,, iatahh siapa fail the first test, diri atas kerusi.. 2nd test diri atas meja.. 3rd test diri diluar class. Haha. Safwa diri atas meja yo.. Paling tinggi wah. =P ! My baby maley puun. Haha. Diluar class sama amal. Haha. Edahh diri atas kerusi saja. Haha! Revision kaliaaah.. *winkwink! Haha.
umm.. Malay tadii. Siuk. Cigu hj.ali best. Haha. Love em. =D ..lol. Irk.. Mengantuk. Haha. Extra class tadiii maths and irk. Math was okaay. Irk mcm.. macam nada. Hee. ^_^"
The 'membari sanak' part is edah balik extra class at 4plus. Guess what, ayah lupaaaa. Momy pun lupaaa. Jubur. Adakah patut na ingat anak, haha. Ayah tu .. Senyum senyum. Jahhat ia lupa. ='( haha! D8 lanja kfc tadi bytheway.. Tapi boring. Ia macam kusut. Apadeyy. Haha. Bah, i gotta go dulu.. :p lottsa homework to do.. :s .. Alright. Till then.. (:
Posted by eeds and deeds at 05:19 0 comments
Labels: eeddahh
Sunday, 8 February 2009
Just got home.. we went out to giant mall just now for eat.. before atu ambil alii di gadong (mall). Juburrr. Ia jahhat na bawa edah. Buwhuu.
Haha. Anyho.. Di giant aa, macam macam ada down there, ada bitches & errm.. Losers =D ..before ambil alii we stayed at home.. Feelin bored.. Hmmph.
Momy wants d8 to belanja kfc tomorrow ^,^ .. Haha..
Eddah is freakin .. urm.. Annoyed bout her ex .. Which is so terribly sad.
Life is too short to be sad !! =D dono what else to say people, so blurr now .. Till then.. ! =D
Posted by eeds and deeds at 05:23 0 comments
Thursday, 5 February 2009
edah got bored..
Hello to who's reading this. Haha. Edah got booored .. Berabes! Last night juaa, macam.. apadeyy.. Haha. Wth. Anyway.. Went to bed early.. around 10plus.. got nothin' to do, so yeahh. Tidurr. ;D
woke up around eleven tadii. Misscall orangg. Then went straight to the toilet, brushd my teethh and cuci muka .. Saja. Haha. Lol. Then turuun, ambil hati momy, dangani momy nyasah. Haha. Reddahh reddahh.. *sigh! Haha.
Momy asked me to masak nasi and so i did.. ayah balik kerja, single. d8 na ikut.. at work saja. Jubur. hmm.. at work kaaaan tu? haha. =P
ate lunch around 1? iakah? haha. i aaate nugget(sp?) .. sayurr entah apakah namanya, andd redbeans! Haha. nugget. yummyhh. Best. Haha. Dua kali kaut nasi tarus. Haha. Alhamdulillah i got kenyang, haha.
we were watching Canada's next top model tu tadi masa lunch, haha. tahh part the models kana suruh ambil photos .. with a male model. haha. I was like, handsome ehh. Haha. Mcm, gay. =p then juba cakapp, "ehh, bida liaaaah~ aku na suka." haha. The male model botak bahh iatah ia na sukaa. Haha. =D anyho.. Now edah tunggu kaka baliik, she's out with her boyfriend. afta ia balik kita orang ambil d8, i think. Ghee, then ke 'kedai jahit'. I think jua. Haha. LOL. emm, i think thats it from me. hee. alright, till then. (;
Posted by eeds and deeds at 23:39 0 comments
Labels: eeeddah.
Wednesday, 4 February 2009
very first entry :D
okay.. =D .. Our first entry for the blog... Its wednesday.. and we're bored now, just fooling around in our room.. Making noises on the bed.. Don't get the wrong idea though! =P
anyways.. Edah masak indomie tadi for d8 and ali, wahaha! =P got a lil hungry after work. d8 went out with bb at lunch. Edah didnt have extra class today and went home at lunch time. Weeee.. =D ..
what else..erm.. Its cold today..for sure!! We bet everybody realise that. Tadi pagi, in the van, it was like in an aeroplane.. Haha.. Ada blankey, ada snacks and drinks..and it was cold !! rasa macam mau tidur.. Nyahaha !! Got nothing else to say now..
nothing much happened .. pretty lonely day ..
till then.. (:
Posted by eeds and deeds at 04:13 0 comments